The Solutions Helping to Meet the Skills Gap Challenges in Wales

Rhys Griffiths, Business Relationship Manager at the Open University in Wales, discusses with Business News Wales what solutions there are to the skills gap employers are currently facing in Wales.

The Open University’s Business Barometer found that 69% of employers are currently experiencing skills shortages, and this number has increased from the previous years 60%. There’s a strong belief at the Open University that employers investing in the training and development of their current staff is a viable solution to closing the skills gap.

By investing in their workforce, employers could see an increase in staff retention, whilst also making themselves more attractive to new talent. Investing in current staff steers employers away from hiring temporary staff, a process that can be long and expensive. The Open University presents employers with the option to upskill their staff whilst also keeping them in the workplace.

To find out how The Open University could help find the right solution for your workplace, email Rhys at [email protected]

To read more from the Business Barometer, visit The Open University Business Barometer 2022 report | Open University

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George Webb