A Voice for Apprenticeships – Taking a Lead in Policy Decision Making

Lisa Mytton, Strategic Director at the National Training Federation for Wales (NTfW)has recently been appointed to work closely with the Welsh Government to ensure apprenticeships remain a priority. She met with Business News Wales to discuss the appointment and what it means for apprenticeships across Wales

Once an apprentice herself, Lisa has over 25 years’ experience in the sector and hopes to ‘press the refresh button’ for the National Training Federation for Wales. Hoping to encourage workplaces to see apprentices as an addition to their workforce and share how NTfW can offer workplace progression through vocational courses as well.

Understanding how vitally important it is for employers to work with organisations such as NTfW, working alongside Welsh Government provides the opportunity to ensure apprenticeship funding stays a top priority, providing scrutiny for the tertiary education and research bill, giving apprenticeships a voice where it matters.

About the author 

George Webb