Attracting, Retaining & Developing Talent by Developing a Learning Culture

Rhys Griffiths, Business Relationship Manager at the Open University in Wales, spoke with Business News Wales to discuss how developing a learning culture within companies and organisations can aid in the retention of talent, as well as attracting and developing new talent.

The skills gap is having an impact on how employers attract, retain, and develop their talent. The Open University is working with employers on how using learning as benefit can have a positive impact on their organisation.

Encouraging a learning culture within a business  actively demonstrates an organisations commitment to trust and believe in their staff. Offering the opportunities to study and learn new skills lends itself to a culture that allows people to try develop and implement new ideas. This creates  a positive environment where people see what they’re doing and learning as a continuous journey of supported development and progression.

Finding the right type of course for your organisation and your employees can be a challenge. The OU has a broad range of qualification and courses that can contribute towards the creation of a learning culture and as part of your benefits package.  Options available include, degree apprenticeships in software engineering, short accredited, CPD focused microcredential courses and our traditional degree and postgraduate provision, will contribute towards solving your current skills challenges.

Interested in creating a learning culture in your organisation? Email Rhys at [email protected] to start the conversation.

To read more from the Business Barometer, visit The Open University Business Barometer 2022 report | Open University

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Jane Lewis